: Sorry you will get ads even though you are paying to not get them. Hulu, Disney , etc. are changing their rules We have highlighted some of the changes for your …
: Concerns about Google/Alphabet from an IT provider Yesterday, they changed their policy on “AI that causes harm." …
: Johnnys Seeds Catalog It arrived yesterday. https://www.johnnyseeds.com. There are so many new …
: App Fatigue www.fastcompany.com/91268694/… This begs the question of why I need three apps to …
: Where I connect, hang out and learn. Over the years, I have been working to find little corners of the world to visit and enjoy. We have …
: Here is to hoping that the plants starting up in my greenhouse survive the below zero weather over …
: I am a Blogger, again! 1/17/25,… I remembered that I had stopped blogging. The new micro.one system was the trigger, …
: Spring update to the winter garden. Most of the plants made it through the winter and we are picking …